How can I help?

If you want to do something to support the movement toward implementing a UBI out but aren't sure where to begin, here are a few ideas. They are listed in order of assumed intensity, but everyone has differing skills levels of capacity so what might be easy to you would be challenging to someone else and vice versa.

For everyone

Engage with our social media. Actions such as liking, sharing and following all boost our visibility on platforms largely driven by engagement algorithms. Links to our social media accounts can be found in our website footer here

Become a member. Be part of a diverse network of professionals and activists contributing their unique talents and capacities towards the implementation of a Universal Basic Income in Australia. The membership form can be found here

Talk with the people around you about UBI (friends, family, neighbours, coworkers, etc). A conversation is a strong political tactic in a an increasingly polarised world. Feel free to use our FAQ page as a resource to help answer any questions they may have. You can also reach out at an event, in the Discord chat or via email and give us feedback on those conversations. What messages worked well and what didn’t? What did you have a hard time explaining?

Give us feedback. The people most engaged with Basic Income Australia see it from the inside, and so insight into how it is perceived by people from the outside is extremely useful.

Donate. Money helps us do bigger and better things and hire people to fill the gaps left by volunteers. Our donation details can be found our website footer here

Come to an event. Events are where all the action of Basic Income Australia takes events currently. It's where our plans are made and reviewed. By coming to an event you will find out what our most pressing needs are as a movement and an organisation. You can find a summary of the kinds of events we run here

Share your story. Why do you support a UBI? This is useful for us to hear as it helps paint a picture of which narriatives are the most effective.

Write a blog article. Blog articles enable our members to share their unique perspectives on UBI and demonstrate that UBI is an idea with ongoing interest and support. Reach out at an event, in the Discord chat or via email with your blog idea to see if it will be suitable.

Create UBI art to normalise a world in which people have an unconditional liveable wage. It’s easier for people to believe in a future if they can see it. (currently a Terminator future is easier to imagine than a world with UBI)

Networking with other organisations (both political and non-political) and notable figures (politicians, economists, celebrities, etc). We want to build stronger ties and you can be that link between us and them, particularly if you already have existing networks.

Use your unique passion/skills You will have a unique passion/skillset that will enable you to help out in unexpected ways this general list can't predict. Come to an event to talk with a member and help find that niche role for yourself. You can find a summary of the kinds of events we run here

Specific roles in demand

Event coordinator - We're looking for charismatic people who are passionate about talking about UBI and can coordinate a discussion. It can be online or in your local area.

Newsletter Writer - Basic Income Australia has a lot of activity, however this currently isn't clearly communicated to people who don't attend events. A newsletter writer would summarise the most interesting activities and then periodically (every few months) send that out in an email format to our supporters.

Data analyst - There have been many trials and there are likely many correlations in the data that have yet to be found.

Graphic designer - By building strong templates, you can empower people with less graphic design skills to make graphic content which can have a multiplying effect. We are always in need of designs for social media posts, infographics, flyers, apparel, memes, stickers, etc. Communications are planned at the Communications meeting.

Animator - A lot of our content (such as the FAQ and Policy) are largely in written format currently, and by making animated versions they can become more accessible to people who aren't as interested in reading our documents. Communications are planned at the Communications meeting.

TikToker - TikTok is a powerful platform for sharing a political message, however none of our most engaged members currently have experience with producing content for it. Communications are planned at the Communications meeting.

Web Developer - There is currently an endless backlog of new features and bug fixes needed on the website, help us to chip away at it. Website development is planned at the Admin meeting.