an unconditional
liveable wage
for all

The objective of Basic Income Australia

Our objective is to introduce a Universal Basic Income (UBI) paid to all adult Australian residents every week, at or above the Henderson Poverty Line.

You can learn more about the policy we advocate on our Policy page . These documents are ever-evolving, and if you think we can do better, let us know by coming to an event !

If you are new to Basic Income

You’ve come to the right place to learn from our catalogue of FAQs and blogs .

If you want to see a Basic Income become a reality in Australia

Come join us - Connect and find out what we are up to! The movement can never grow if new people don't join in.

Become a member - Be part of a diverse network of professionals and activists contributing their unique talents and capacities towards the implementation of a Universal Basic Income in Australia.

Donate - Money helps us do bigger and better things and hire people to fill the gaps left by volunteers.

About Us

Basic Income Australia (BIA) is a grassroots organisation of volunteers dedicated to working towards the goal of making a Basic Income a reality in Australia. The group was founded in 2017 by Josh McGee, with like-minded individuals regularly meeting at restaurants and parks in central Melbourne.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the group started meeting online and has since been connecting volunteers across the states of Australia. We gained more momentum after the Basic Income Earth Network Congress was held in Brisbane September 2022 where many of BIA's most active volunteers met in person for the first time.

We became a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission on the 9th December 2022 with a Constitution and Privacy Policy . We are registered with the tax office and are income tax and GST and FBT exempt, however we do not have deductible gift recipients (DGR) status yet.

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Direct deposits incur no Stripe fees:

BSB: 033-086
Acct number: 522221
Acct name: Basic Income Australia Limited